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Triton Listening to Music Final
Listening Examples- the full page far below will appear on the test.
The answers will be selected from two groups of five examples. Listen for instruments, words, language, style. See test pic below.
SET 1:
1. Alleluia-Anonymous-Acapella Voices-Medieval (Latin)
2. Fugue in Gm-J.S. Bach-Organ-Baroque
3. Hallelujah Chorus-Handel-Choir & Orchestra-Baroque (English)
4. Symphony in Gm-Mozart-Orchestra-Classical
5. Revolutionary Etude-Chopin-Solo Piano-Romantic
SET 2:
1. Elf King-Schubert-Art Song (voice/piano)-Romantic-(German)
2. Lost Your Head Blues - Bessie Smith-female voice/piano/trumpet-20th Century (English)
3. Rite of Spring-Stravinsky-Orchestra-20th Century
4. Confirmation-Charlie Parker-Jazz Group-20th Century-Bebop
5. Poem Electronique-Varase-Electronic-20th Century
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